Thursday, April 26, 2018

5 Tips to A Better Life!

It’s so easy to get caught up in the mundane tasks of our day-to-day lives. Get up, shower, eat breakfast, go to work, drive home, make dinner, sprinkle in some family/friend time, go to bed, and get up and do it all over again the next day. After awhile, our vision becomes completely focused on routine and it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture. Stress can narrow your outlook on life even more. As legal professionals, we see this a lot. Circumstances begin to feel out of control and then suddenly- that’s all we can see. Its easy to feel like you’re not actually living a life at all.

At The Law Office of Pamela J. Helton we believe in living a full-filled life no matter what routine or obstacles life throws your way. While we cannot erase responsibilities or obstacles, there are ways to find balance and enjoy life again. So how do you spruce things up and avoid obstacles all together? Well, here is our advice…

1.  Plan Ahead –  Planning ahead can save you money and stress. What types of things can you prepare for in advance? Its helpful to plan things ahead such as pre-paid vacations, debt-reduction plans, road maps for accomplishing goals, financial planning for big events like retirement, and even your death. That might seem gloomy but its not about “if” you’ll pass. That’s a given- you plan ahead so that it saves loves one the sorrow. Then once the Will is in place, put it away and check it off the to-do list. If something arises that you haven't planned for, don’t panic- just look for solutions and ask for help. Often, we provide referrals for various services that provide solutions to a variety of problems, so don’t sweat asking for help or advice when needed.

2.  Go - Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? If you know you need an education to improve your lifestyle- then Go. It doesn’t happen overnight, but at least find a good starting place. It’s always a process, and the hardest part is always getting the process rolling. For others, you may find yourself in a bad situation that has gone on long enough. When that time has come ... go. If you're an employer, don't keep an employee who is past their expiration date just because you like them or you don't want the hassle of termination. If a friendship has become toxic, end it rather than letting the toxicity spread into other areas of your life. 

3    Listen to your heart or intuition- People often get themselves into bad situations and when I ask: “What were you thinking?” They usually knew it was the wrong choice beforehand but felt obligated or compromised for a variety of reasons. If your gut feeling is warning you- then listen. One common financial mistake made is Co-Signing for kids or relatives. Been there- done that- paid the price! I know you love them-so love them enough to live their own lives responsibly. There is nothing wrong with wanting to help your kids get started in life or bail out a loved one during hard times- just do it in a manner that reduces your long-term risk such as helping with a down payment, gifting money, giving your time, etc. No co-signing, no long-term payments (your circumstances may change) and always have contracts reviewed by an attorney.

4    Always Work - As individuals, we often need to feel a sense of accomplishment or purpose. Working in a field of interest can provide this satisfaction, but not always. Think bigger- working can be on different projects, paid or unpaid. Working on fitness goal, a craft project, a volunteer position, helping others, working as a team member to local organizations such as PTO, Professional associations, church positions, etc. are just a few examples. There is something full-filling about just getting out and working on something that leads to accomplishments. Find something you enjoy and do it. Be a productive member of society and you'll be healthier and happier.

5    Go To Church -  Don’t mean to sound like your momma, but we are three pronged beings; body, mind, and soul. Find a place where you can broaden your perspective and learn about that third aspect of your being that is often neglected.  

Life is full of routines and challenges that can be overwhelming if we focus only on those aspects of life. Think bigger! We have to make an effort to live our lives instead of simply going through the motions of daily life. What suggestions do you have to make the most out your life? We'd love to hear them. Share them with us in the comments. If you have any questions or need any legal assistance, please give us a call 352- 243-9991.