Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Steps to Stay Healthy When Living in a Toxic Environment

It’s very difficult to exist in a toxic environment, especially when that environment is your

home. Unfortunately, many people found their home environment became increasingly

toxic during the stress and isolation of the pandemic. This has led to a large number of people

deciding that divorce is the best option for them as they move forward. 

It would be great if once the decision to divorce is made, the environment magically becomes less toxic, but of course, it doesn’t work that way. For some, the decision itself may bring at least a bit of relief, but for others, the stress, tension, and toxicity may grow. 

Living with large amounts of stress and tension on a regular basis can have a negative impact on health. You may find it difficult to relax, focus, or function. You may become conditioned to expect the worst in every interaction. So how does one stay healthy during a prolonged period of negativity?

Self-care is a term that is used often these days. It’s an important part of maintaining your health during stressful times. Here are some self-care steps you can take:

  1. Hydrate - This is not just important during times of stress, it’s important every day! Dehydration can lead to dizziness, lightheadedness, confusion, and more dire symptoms. Add these to a body that is already over-stressed and day to day tasks become difficult. During a time when important decisions need to be made, you want your mind as clear and focused as possible. 
  2. Exercise - It does a body and mind good! Exercise releases endorphins which can naturally reduce stress and improve mood. Moving your body can also help focus your mind.
  3. Watch What You Consume - When stressed, it’s even more important to feed your mind and body well. Eat healthy food and avoid processed sugar snacks. Listen to healing music, read self-help books, watch movies that make you laugh.
  4. Sunlight - Exposure to the sun increases serotonin and can help reduce anxiety and depression.
  5. Make Plans - It’s not always possible to move out of the home or even if you can, you may not be able to move to your ideal living situation right away. But, making plans to get yourself to your ultimate goal can be empowering and help you get through the tough times. 
  6. Get Help - You don’t have to go through it alone. Talk with supportive friends or family. Attend support groups. Find a professional for counseling. 

At the Law Office of Pamela J Helton, we specialize in Family Law and have gone through the journey of divorce with many people. Our attorneys are not only extremely knowledgeable about the law, but also compassionate and help guide our clients through the process. If you’d like to schedule a consultation, please call our office at 352-243-9991. We will be happy to assist you.