Monday, June 24, 2019

Don’t Text and Drive! New Florida Law Goes Into Effect July 1, 2019

The Law Office of Pamela J. Helton

Don’t text and drive! It sounds simple enough, yet everyday that is exactly what many of us do. We have become so accustomed to immediate results and replies that we find it terribly difficult to ignore the lure of our phones. We put ourselves and others in danger with barely a thought. 

The state of Florida is making a statement and telling us enough is enough! Govenor Ron DeSantis has recently signed a bill, HB 107, that makes using your phone while driving in Florida a primary offense. If you thought texting while driving was already illegal in Florida, you are correct. However, it was not a primary offense, meaning a police officer could not pull you over only for texting while driving. There had to be another primary offense for which you were stopped, say speeding. The officer could cite you for speeding and add texting while driving as a secondary offense. 

The new law goes into effect July 1, 2019 and officers will then be able to pull you over solely for texting while driving. Only warnings will be given at first. Beginning in January 2020, fines will be issued. A first offense will be punishable by a $30 fine, with a second costing $60. Court costs and fees also would apply, and points will be added to licenses.

Texting, though, is not the only reason we use our phones while driving and the law does take that into consideration. Drivers are still allowed to use their phones to navigate, make phone calls and read emergency messages, such as weather alerts except in school and work zones. There, drivers are not allowed to be handling their phones except for emergencies. This provision goes into effect October 1, 2019, but drivers will only be given warnings until January 2020. 

The Law Office of Pamela J. Helton  encourages you to be safe and not text while driving. If you have questions about family law, we are happy to speak with you. Please call us at 352-243-9991 to schedule an appointment.